Using Visualization to Manifest Your Dreams

Dr. Micaela H.


Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams, and here’s why: it’s based on science! When you visualize something, you activate parts of the same neural networks that you would if you were actually doing those things. So, visualization can help give your brain the practice it needs to successfully manifest your dreams in real life. For instance, if one of your dreams is to be a world-class high diver who consistently wins gold medals at various competitions, then visualizing yourself diving from increasingly higher heights while feeling all the confidence and euphoria of winning will help program your mind to do just that once you get out of the pool.

Check out this journal to start your visualization journey!

What is visualization?

Visualization is a mental exercise that helps you imagine the future. It’s a powerful tool for creating change in your life, and it can help you make your dreams a reality.

Visualization works because it focuses your mind on what you want to achieve. When we visualize something—whether it’s an object or an emotion—our brains send messages to our bodies to start acting as if we already have the thing or feeling in question. The more we practice this technique, the more effective it becomes at helping us create positive change in our lives.

How to visualize your ways to success

Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams and goals. Visualization can be used in many ways, but it’s most commonly used to focus your mind on the goal or outcome you want. When you visualize something, it helps you to focus on what you want instead of getting caught up in all the obstacles that might get in the way. This allows your subconscious mind to work more efficiently on making those things happen for you—which means faster manifestation!

It’s important that when visualizing yourself at your desired destination or outcome, that you feel all of the feelings associated with success: excitement, joy, and pride. By doing this exercise often enough with strong emotional connections involved (as opposed to just looking at pictures), these feelings become ingrained within our brains, thus making them more likely for us to manifest into reality.

Find your “pockets of time”

To start, find a quiet place where you can be alone. This is important because the more focus you give to your visualization, the more powerful it will become. When we are in busy environments with lots of people around us (especially if they are talking or making noise), our brain becomes accustomed to being bombarded by stimuli and has a tendency to tune out everything else; this means that even if we want to visualize something, our minds have trouble focusing on just one thing—and thus the process fails.

Next, find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed by others and can relax yourself fully into whatever state of mind your visualization requires. Some people like lying down while visualizing; others prefer sitting up straight with their eyes closed as they imagine themselves envisioning their dreams coming true. If there’s any way for you personally to feel relaxed when doing this, do it! The more relaxed in body and mind that we are when doing these exercises (i.e., “meditating”), the better results we’ll achieve over time…

And finally: before starting any kind of meditation practice or visualization exercise such as those outlined here—be sure not only that all distractions have been eliminated from around us physically but also mentally too (as mentioned above). This means no TVs playing nearby which might distract us from what’s happening inside our own heads! In short… keep things quiet around us physically AND mentally so nothing takes away from our focus during these sessions/exercises.”

Visualize in the present tense

When you visualize your goal, keep the context of the visualization in mind. Use present tense language to describe what you want to happen. For example, instead of saying “I will own my own home” or “I am going to buy a new car,” say “I live in my dream house” and “I drive around in my dream car.”

Visualizing your goal as already being a reality helps you start feeling like it’s already happened—and when we feel like something is real, we tend to believe that it is possible. When we believe something is possible, then we’re more likely to take action toward making it happen!

Make it really vivid by using all five senses

Visualizing in the present tense is a powerful way to make your visualization more vivid. It’s not enough just to visualize what you want; you want it so bad it’s real for you right now.

Visualize using all five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. What does it feel like? How does it sound? Can you taste or smell anything distinctive about your dream coming true? Does your dream feel warm or cold on your skin? When I was driving from my home in South Dakota to New York City once, I visualized myself singing onstage at Carnegie Hall and being on Broadway—and then went ahead and did both!

You can even use this technique while standing inside a store trying on clothes or shoes by imagining yourself wearing them as if they were already yours.

You must feel the feeling completely

In order for you to manifest the things you desire, it is important to feel the feeling of what it will be like when those things are yours. By doing this, you are activating your subconscious mind and allowing yourself to begin creating the reality of your dreams.

In order to do this effectively, write down a list of all the things that matter most in life to you at this moment: love, health/fitness goals (examples include losing 10 pounds or running a 5k), money (how much do want/need?). Once this is complete, imagine being able to check each one off as if they were already yours! Feel free if necessary; visualize or imagine seeing these things happen with great clarity and detail!

Repetition is key

One of the most important things to remember about visualization is that it is a skill, and like any other skill, it needs to be practiced. You can’t just visualize once and expect your dream to come true. The more times you practice visualizing your dream, the better at it you’ll get until eventually it becomes second nature to do so.

If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, visualization techniques can help you achieve your goals. So, what do you have to lose? A few minutes of your time each day will make all the difference!

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